Retirement Plan Audits Performed Remotely

The world has become a much more complicated place for businesses of all types with the events of the first half of 2020. Yet there is one constant for many companies—the requirement to have a retirement plan audit by an independent CPA firm.
Despite changes to the deadlines for many IRS forms, as of now, all sponsors of a 401(k) or other benefit plan with more than 120 participants will be required to submit an independent audit of the plan by July 31, or file an extension and submit an audit by October 15.
At Jones & Roth, our team of retirement plan audit specialists expect to perform over 100 retirement plan and benefit plan audits in 2020 for clients across the Pacific Northwest. We are preparing to perform every one of the audits remotely. We continue working to improve our processes for each of our plan audit clients to make a remote audit simple and stress-free.
We use online file share technology, setting up a separate file transfer portal for each client so that information and documents can be shared easily and securely. We also use video-conferencing technology so that we’re able to communicate with you efficiently regarding updates and progress. Our audit team consists of many experienced plan auditors so you can be sure you won’t have to train our staff and that the audit process will be as efficient and quick as possible.
While we truly enjoy meeting our clients face to face and working in your office, in 2020 performing a retirement plan audit remotely isn’t just a good idea—it may be the only way for many of our clients to have their audits completed. If you have questions or would like to discuss our retirement plan audit approach, please contact us. Stay safe and healthy!