Preparing for Paid Leave Oregon
Paid Leave Oregon is a new program that ensures individuals, employers, and families have the time and support they need to care for themselves and their loved ones when life’s important moments affect their health and safety. Paid Leave Oregon is paid for by employers and employees.
Visit the Paid Leave Oregon website.

- Assistance grants: Learn about support for small employers who choose to pay into the program.
- Benefits Calculator: Employees can estimate how much they will be paid while on leave
- Eligibility Quiz: Employees can take this short quiz to find out if they’re eligible for PLO
- What You Need to Apply for Benefits Checklist: A checklist to help employees be prepared when applying
- VIDEO on Preparing to Apply for Benefits Online: This short video reviews the three step application process
- Paid Leave Oregon website
- Resources for Employers
- Model Notice Poster
- Leave Comparison Chart
- On-Demand Webinars by Cascade Employers Association
Employer Guidebook

Important Dates
By Jan. 1, 2023, Employers are required to post the model notice poster at each work site and they must provide it electronically or by mail to any remote workers. Download the model notice poster found on the resources page.
On Jan. 1, 2023, if your business has 25 or more employees, you will start paying into the program.
On Sept. 3, 2023, employees can start applying for benefits.
Interested in Equivalent Plans?
For employers interested in learning more about Equivalent Plans, visit Paid Leave Oregon’s Equivalent Plans page or contact a disability insurance provider for assistance.
Latest Paid Leave Oregon News
Webinar: Employment Law Updates for 2023
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Paid Leave Oregon Assistance Grants Now Available to Small Businesses
The State of Oregon Employment Department has announced that Assistance Grants are now available to small employers (fewer than 25 employees) who choose to pay into the Paid Leave Oregon program. These grants offer financial help to hire a temporary … Read more…
Paid Leave Oregon: New Resources
The Oregon Employment Department (OED) made available several new resources that employers can provide to employees who may need to apply for Paid Leave Oregon. As a reminder, employees could start applying on August 14th. These resources include: