Eugene Community Safety Payroll Tax

September 30, 2020

With all that we’ve been through these past several months, you may or may not recall the new Eugene Community Safety Payroll Tax that was initially set to go into effect July 1, 2020. This tax is to provide long-term funding for community safety services and is to be levied on wage and self-employment income earned within Eugene city limits, with the payroll tax on wages including both employer and employee portions. Please be advised that the implementation of this tax has been postponed until January 1, 2021, with the first quarterly payment for payroll taxes due April 20, 2021 and the first annual return and payment for self-employment tax is due April 15, 2022.

Please visit the below link for more details from the City of Eugene. And, of course, we’re here to help should you have any questions.

 FAQs on the Eugene Community Safety Payroll Tax

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