Contact Us

260 Country Club Rd. Ste. 100
Eugene, Oregon 97401
541-687-2320 (phone)
541-485-0960 (fax)

Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

SECURE UPLOADSend us your files securely via ShareFile.

INSIDE DROP OFF:  Give documents to front desk receptionist.

EXTERIOR DROP BOX: Use the secure drop box to the right of the front door.

IN-PERSON: Drop by during office hours to pick up your documents.

E-DELIVERY: It’s easy to receive your tax return documents electronically. Please contact your CPA and request e-Delivery.

SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT: Contact your CPA to schedule an appointment.

Our NEW Address:
6723 NE Bennett St, Suite 220
Hillsboro, OR 97124
503-648-0521 (phone)
503-648-2692 (fax)

Our Hillsboro Office is Now Open!

Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

SECURE UPLOADSend us your files securely via ShareFile.

INSIDE DROP OFF: Give documents to front desk receptionist.

IN-PERSON: Drop by during office hours to pick up your documents.

E-DELIVERY: It’s easy to receive your tax return documents electronically. Please contact your CPA and request e-Delivery.

300 SW Columbia Street Ste 201
Bend, Oregon 97702
541-382-3590 (phone)
541-382-3587 (fax)

Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

SECURE UPLOADSend us your files securely via ShareFile.

INSIDE DROP OFF:  Give documents to front desk receptionist.

IN-PERSON: Drop by during office hours to pick up your documents.

E-DELIVERY: It’s easy to receive your tax return documents electronically. Please contact your CPA and request e-Delivery.

Toll-Free: 833-798-5689


Client Payment Options

Broker Check